Why & How Should I Test My Microbiome?

Your microbiome is an invisible bionetwork containing trillions of bacteria and fungi, all living on your skin’s surface. This ecosystem works together to protect your skin from outside irritants, and keeps your skin healthy. It is fitting that the largest organ of the body has one of the most complex lines of defense, the microbiome. To lo learn more about the microbiome, see our blog post here!

Why Would I Want to Test My Microbiome?

70% of women have sensitive skin. The microbiome is the science-proven detector of healthy skin. At Dr. Elsa Jungman, our goal is to empower people when it comes to their skin health, and arm our customers with science-backed results and effective skincare throughout their skin health journey.

If you have been struggling with your skin health, being aware of the state of your microbiome can help pinpoint the root of your skin’s problem. If you find your microbiome to be unbalanced, you can devise a plan of action to utilize minimal skincare to allow your microbiome to recover. Your microbiome is the holy grail of skin health, if it is balanced and working properly, your skin will be healthy & nourished. 

What is the Microbiome Test?

The microbiome test is a revolutionary at home testing kit, designed to give you lab-certified comprehensive results on your skin’s microbiome footprint. It takes just minutes and a simple forehead swab to uncover an intimate map of your skin. All kits come with easy to read instructions, with additional video instructions on www.dr-ej.com if needed! Full list of kit Components below:

  • Specimen bag
  • Swab
  • Testing Tube
  • Prepaid USPS envelope for testing

What Results Will I Receive?

 The Microbiome Kit tests for the top 10 bacteria & fungi living on your skin. You will receive a score between -2 to 1 based on your microbiome results. In addition, you will receive personalized dietary and skin care recommendations based on your skin profile. See picture below for a example report:

What Happens if I Receive a “Bad Score”?

There is no such thing as a “bad score”, our microbiomes are ever-evolving and can always be aided back to balance. If your score detects an unbalanced microbiome this means you should consider giving your skin a reset. You can do this by opting for minimal ingredients and avoiding skin products with harsh ingredients like fragrances, alcohol, and essential oils that could be stripping your microbiome. 


Okay I'm In! Where Can I Purchase the Testing Kit?

Available on DR-EJ and at Credo Beauty stores! 

At Dr. Elsa Jungman we are passionate about providing science-backed skincare to our customers, and educating all on our sensitive microbiomes. We hope you found this blog helpful, should you have any more questions regarding the microbiome skin test drop us a note at hello@dr-ej.com!


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